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A Short Story About Us
The Maryland Addiction and Behavioral-health Professionals Certification Board is a private, non-partisan corporation which offers voluntary international and state level credentials to the behavioral health worker. The Board, comprised of certified and licensed professionals and peer recovery specialists throughout the state, implements standards, testing and training for certifying addiction counselors, co-occurring disorders professionals, criminal justice addictions professionals, clinical supervisors, and peer recovery specialists and their supervisors. It also approves providers of continuing education training in Maryland. Links to these documents can be found on the Certification, CPRS, and Training pages.
MABPCB is always looking for board members who can strengthen our service to behavioral health workers in the state. If you hold an IC&RC credential or you have a keen interest in what we are doing, please fill out and send the Board Membership Application to us. We promise to get back to you after our next board meeting. Meetings are usually held every other month, and sometimes more frequently as needed.